Doing good business. Unwanted production assets donated locally.
Speaking to the many charities and social enterprises we work with, we have discovered they were seeing a significant drop in donations, just as the demand for their services peaked. The winter of 2022 was extremely challenging for many of their services, due to rising food and energy prices – and the extremely cold weather snap.
As well as reducing the amount of waste in film and TV, and providing reuse strategies for the productions we work with, our Assetstore team are dedicated to supporting our community networks in our surrounding areas in East London, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk.

A recent production strike left us with a large amount of everyday good quality clothing that was available to give away. This included warm jumpers and trousers, as well as kids clothes and shoes.
Through our unique asset management software Assetflow, we were able to efficiently pinpoint what was available and donate specific items and clothing to & Again Clothing in Suffolk.
& Again Clothing ensured these items have gone into charity stores and food banks throughout Suffolk, to support those who are most in need these winter.
As there was no charge for the clothes, & Again Clothing even kindly donated £415.00 to the Wavenly Foodbank, which is helping local people in crisis. (And who have seen a recent 110% increase in need of their services).
Michelle French, Director, CAMA Assetstore says: “Donating essential household items and clothing to the community not only supports those in need, it also motivates the whole team within their work. It gives us all purpose. Not only to reduce the amount going into landfill, but to work with our communities. We love doing good business. It works for everyone – the productions, the social enterprise and the local households! Thank you & Again Clothing for being such a great partner.”
Through our reuse service for film and TV productions, we are able to support such essential services and we are committed to investing in the communities in which we and our clients operate.
If you’d like to find out more about how your social enterprise or film production can benefit from our reuse service, please do get in touch.
To read more about our asset reuse services take a look here.