Your storage, your way – store your assets exactly how you need them
We are pleased to announce that from August customers and productions will be able to organise and tag their own online inventories.
This development has come from spending a great deal of time during the lockdown talking to many of our customers about asset management & sustainability. We wanted to know what was working, what needed enhancing and what were your pain points?
The discussions have been invaluable and have led to some major developments in our services and support.
As well as the desire for greater support with reusing & sharing assets, we discovered that whilst our online system was far better than anything else you have used before, customers and productions still needed more flexibility. You needed more control with categorising and locating assets, in particular for productions with costume, sets & props.

Mac, MD and Michelle Director of CAMA, who have spent lockdown talking to customers and clients
I am truly excited about this first stage in our software development. For the first time customers can be totally in control – it’s a real game changer. You store your way. No longer just random items in container, productions & customers can now organise and structure everything in storage. For film, different crew members can have their own tags, be it a character name, actor, scene, location or studios, country or value of assets – or even details of what needs to be shared or donated at the end of the shoot. And for corporate clients , with the option to have multiple tags, our customers can clearly find and evaluate what they have in store for each floor or office, and what they would like to repurpose” Michaele Apostolides, Director, CAMA Storage
Creatives and Corporates
Despite our creative clients being able to group assets together in categories, at the end of the film shoot, production crew were still taking a lot of time to locate particular items. With productions starting up again in August we wanted to address this for when crew were back on set.
And we know that many of our corporate customers are presently evaluating their office space & design in light of social distancing. With this new high demand for storing office furniture, we wanted to make sure that the development of this categorisation was in place as soon as possible.
Launch of Tags
Tristian, the brains behind our unique software, has worked day & night to develop the functionality of our online portal.
He has introduced a tag system into the asset software which will enable you to add your own information and create detailed inventories. Thus making the system truly interactive and bespoke for each client, film & project.
From August you will now be able to classify your collections of items yourselves. Our new tags system can help describe an item or asset and allows it to be found again easily by browsing or searching. The Tags will provide extra details about an item and make it easy to locate related items with the same Tag.
Benefits to clients & productions
- The system enables projects to be more organised and forward thinking with their items & assets
- Departments can create their own bespoke inventories
- One item can have multiple tags, so easier for various departments to locate during and at the end of the shoot/project
- Teams & crew can be more pro active and involved in their asset management in pre production
- The tag system can help productions redistribute assets efficiently at the end of the shoot, either through sharing, donations or repurposing
- Financial benefit – productions can tag the value of items and ensure where possible assets are resold, shared or kept in excellent condition
To organise a demo over zoom please do get in touch by calling the CAMA team on 020 8526 8030 or email
To find out how we can support you with sharing & donating, please email CAMA Green and